Because You Want to Know

I’ve been a little AWOL.  Remember back 8 months ago?  Let me help you with that.  We were getting our house ready for sale.  Things went a little slowly at first.  Hubby listed our home on  (Mobile Home Village).  That was all, for a while.  We were going to sell our home without a realtor.

We got two leads on our house from the  website.  One early on, the next one a week ago.  Finally we put an ad in the local newspaper, and a sign on the road.  The sign on the road brought in the calls.

Many of the calls were from people with one or two thousand dollars, looking for owner financing.  No thank-you.  Were we asking too much?  Hubby and I disagreed.   Finally, two weeks ago, we had two people making offers.  We got a price very close to our asking price.

Closing on a mobile home is a very easy thing.  For the seller there is a three-step process: Pay the years taxes, collect our money, and sign the title.  That’s it!  We were done.  The buyer had to pay sales tax ($14.08), sign on the appropriate line, and submit it for a new title.

We don’t have a new home to move into.  We do have a camper.  We have decided we can move into our camper, and take our time looking for a house.

We examined our moving options.  The most expensive option is a pack and move from a moving company costing around $6000.  This option is the easiest on us.  We decided we would rather save the money from moving to our new home, for purchasing our new home.  We are not as young as the last time we moved ourselves, plus we have more stuff.  We are pacing ourselves, and moving our stuff into our storage locker.

I am exhausted after little more than a week of cleaning out our storage locker (requiring several trips to Goodwill), packing up the house, and several trips with boxes to the locker.  We are about half way done with the packing.

We have another week-and-a-half before the deadline to be out of the house.   I have aches and pains in places I’ve forgotten about.  When the rain came we were relieved.  We had a good excuse to sit at home.  We needed the rest.  We needed help.

“Ask and ye shall receive,” the good book says.  A neighbor offered his help.  Just when  we needed help.   During breakfast at McDonald’s a couple sitting behind me was talking about how tired they were, and how badly they had slept the night before.  As we were leaving, we passed them walking along the road.  Hubby said they were trying to get across town.  We decided to give them a ride.

Turns out a family argument had them sleeping under the stars on a fairly wet night.  They were on their way to another family member’s home.  The family argument also created an interruption to the man’s employment.  We asked him to help us move boxes and furniture.  More help!  He was ready to come right with us and get to work.  We told him Monday would do.

We rested most of the weekend, and will be ready for the week ahead, with helpers!   We are now getting to those things we need every day to live comfortably.  Our kitchen is slowly being packed into boxes, and soon we will have nothing left to cook with, and nothing to eat off of.  Our entertainment system is half in a box, and half still in use.

We are slowly filling our camper with all the things we are going to need for our first extended stay.  Plus, we are bringing our house plants, those things that cannot be stored (anything that might explode), our dog, and two cats.  Oh boy!  I’ve read much about living in a camper, but the implementation phase is about to begin.

What fun we will have!

13 thoughts on “Because You Want to Know

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  1. Good morning April:
    Loved reading this post. We are in a similar process as our son and his wife decided to sell their home and move. They too decided to pack themselves although they are hiring a truck to move the furniture and boxes after they are packed. We have only been at it a couple of weeks now and the deadline is rapidly approaching when they will have to be out of their house and into the new one. At almost 77 and 79, one forgets how the body feels at the end of a day packing and moving boxes from one spot to another. But hopefully, in the end, they will be happy and to parents, that is all that counts. Although, it has spurred my wife into thinking – gee – isn’t it time for us to move again? What have I let myself in for. Enjoyed your post and look forward to your next adventure.


  2. You’re on a great adventure. Wonderful. I’m glad you sold your house and have help moving stuff. Good luck!


  3. Your moving journey has turned into quite an adventurous one! Thanks for sharing in an informative and entertaining manner. Maybe not entertaining for you, but it was in a storytelling manner creating much interest. I am happy to know you are almost there, and eventually you will get the much deserved rest.


  4. Thank you for sharing I’m looking to move into a mobile home so I appreciate hearing of your experience on the other end. Wish you the best in your future. Thanks for sharing your experience😊


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