If a Man is in The Woods

Originally Blogged September 26, 2014, this may be my favorite post ever.  Since then I have many new readers, and unless you have taken the time to comb through past offerings, (for which you’d have my very humble thanks) you have missed this.  

If I was writing this today, I can’t think of anything I might add.  Life has been stressful lately, and I offer this to remind us all, that although miss-steps may happen, the dance goes on.  A little humor can  help us get back on track.  


If a man is in the wood, and he talks, and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

I think I made this up, but I really couldn’t swear to it. I am sure I am not the first woman to think such a thing. Hubby and I were fighting in the car and he was complaining that he is always wrong, so I made this little sarcastic comment. He laughed and the argument was forgotten. He has now repeated my bit of sarcasm to everyone at every opportunity. It is funny, and always gets a laugh, and neither of us can even remember what the original argument was about.

It is the kind of thing I’ve heard my whole life while in the kitchen with the women on the holidays. “My husband is head of the house. I always let him think so.” “Boys will be boys,” we say about our men engaged in the annual Turkey Mud Bowl. The men will laugh at these also. Men go along with the joke, giving their “little woman” a pat on the behind to send them off shopping. Okay, maybe it is only grocery shopping, but hey, its part of the game, or maybe better described as a dance.

Even if you don’t dance you know that the man is the lead, the one who directs the dance. You would only be partially correct. If the man tried to lead exclusively, there would be a lot of bumping into people on a crowded dance floor. Dancing is a cooperation. When the man is moving backwards he relies upon his partner, since he does not have eyes in the back of his head. Likewise, relationships should be cooperative.

In a relationship, one or the other may take the lead depending upon knowledge, skills, and talents each possesses. With discussion, sharing, and mutual consideration each person will have the insight to see who should lead. Two people working together can accomplish much more working cooperatively, than one person trying to do everything.

By working together, hubby and I raised children while putting ourselves through school. The two of us built garages and porches and gardens. Oh my! We have built an entire life. As long as we are working together, we can do anything.

So, if you see my hubby in the woods, tell him I’m waiting for him.

and Time Vanishes

From the sublime to the….  I’ve spent an hour looking for just the right thing.  Minute by minute time disappeared.

A weather front is coming in, and I just wish my headache would vanish.  Apparently common sense did vanish.  You might think I just discovered You Tube, but what I discovered was how easy it is to connect a You Tube video to my blog.  I wanted to do it again before I forgot how again.

I hope you enjoy this little bit of silliness.   It’s time we won’t get back.

It Needs to be Said

Many years ago I heard the worst racist comment passed off as a joke.   The so-called joke was hateful, and not even funny.

When I heard the so-called joke, I called it what it was: hateful, ugly, racist.  Yet later that same evening this joke was repeated, by the person I had this conversation with.  The so-called joke was repeated in a racially mixed crowd, a bachelor party.  The room grew quiet except for the person telling the so-called joke, who was laughing his head off to sell how funny it was, and another drunk.

Several of those who attended the bachelor party, did not attend the wedding.

Some people believe they can say any hateful, hurtful thing if it is a joke.  The rest of us are expected to play along.  “It was a joke!”  “I was just being sarcastic.”  “All this politically correct bullshit ruins everything.”

Is that true, or are you showing us what you really think?  If this is what you really think, and we laugh along, aren’t we showing what we really think?


Did they plant the seeds of our civilization?  Did they guide our development?  Did they mess with our DNA?  Did they set us upon the path of technological advancement?   Are they studying us, or keeping tabs on us?  Is the government hiding the proof of their existence from us?  What if all we are, and all we know, comes from them?

You know who I am talking about, don’t you?  Aliens, who in ancient times, some theorize, came from across the galaxy and taught us to stack rocks.  Aliens, who some claim have abducted them for study and testing, and may even be cross breeding with us, either to promote our development, or to save their own species.

If they are here checking up on us what must they be thinking?   We are a war like species, and are constantly beating on our chests to prove our viewpoint is the right viewpoint.  When beating our chests is not persuasive, we are perfectly capable of escalating to ever greater methods of insisting upon compliance with our views.

Despite our highly evolved brains we have an unlimited capacity to ignore the reality before us, and believe what we want. Here we have a perfectly good world, and even though the scientific community has achieved an unusual degree of consensus upon global climate change, we refuse to take any action as if our world is as disposable as the wrappings our lunch came in.  There are still areas of our world without indoor plumbing, or reliably safe water and enough food.

We point our telescopes to the sky and have yet to document their voices, let alone visiting spaceships, and alien abduction books are in the non-fiction section of book stores and libraries.

Maybe there is life on other planets as the scientists say, and I will admit I thought I saw the ship of one, for about a minute.  I was traveling along route 52 along the Ohio River when I saw a glowing cigar-shaped flying object.  This is how UFO’s from outer space are often described.  After all the nights spent watching the sky on camping trips, with nary a UFO in sight, I finally think I have gotten lucky.  I kept glancing at the glowing cigar-shaped object streaking across the sky, and as it got closer I realized I saw a bump at the top of it.  As I told my grandchildren my encounter with this UFO, this is where their eyes were as round as saucers, and they were vibrating in their seats with excitement.  As the flying object got even closer it adjusted its flight, and I could see it was merely a small airplane.  At this part in my story, my grandchildren were a reflection of my own disappointment.

Maybe there is evidence hidden by the government at Area 51.  I can believe one lost craft could have crash landed on our planet.  Otherwise, I am skeptical of alien involvement in our development, or progress.  But in case I’m wrong, we are going to go UFO and alien hunting and see if we can hitch a ride off of this rock.

I would like to express my thanks to Nerdy, who’s prompt got me going on this post. I am not sure this is what you had in mind, but thanks anyway.                      

If a Man is in the Woods

If a man is in the wood, and he talks, and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?

I think I made this up, but I really couldn’t swear to it. I am sure I am not the first woman to think such a thing. Hubby and I were fighting in the car and he was complaining that he is always wrong, so I made this little sarcastic comment. He laughed and the argument was forgotten. He has now repeated my bit of sarcasm to everyone at every opportunity. It is funny, and always gets a laugh, and neither of us can even remember what the original argument was about.

It is the kind of thing I’ve heard my whole life while in the kitchen with the women on the holidays. “My husband is head of the house. I always let him think so.” “Boys will be boys,” we say about our men engaged in the annual Turkey Mud Bowl. The men will laugh at these also. Men go along with the joke, giving their “little woman” a pat on the behind to send them off shopping. Okay, maybe it is only grocery shopping, but hey, its part of the game, or maybe better described as a dance.

Even if you don’t dance you know that the man is the lead, the one who directs the dance. You would only be partially correct. If the man tried to lead exclusively, there would be a lot of bumping into people on a crowded dance floor. Dancing is a cooperation. When the man is moving backwards he relies upon his partner, since he does not have eyes in the back of his head. Likewise, relationships should be cooperative.

In a relationship, one or the other may take the lead depending knowledge, skills, and talents each possesses. With discussion, sharing, and mutual consideration each person will have the insight to see who should lead. Two people working together can accomplish much more working cooperatively, than one person trying to do everything.

By working together, hubby and I raised children while putting ourselves through school. The two of us built garages and porches and gardens. Oh my! We have built an entire life. As long as we are working together, we can do anything.

So, if you see my hubby in the woods, tell him I’m waiting for him.

What You See, Can You Hear me Now?

Before I got my new smart phone I just didn’t understand the joy of being connected to my family, friends, acquaintances, accounts, information, games and every organization tool this little computer has to offer.

No wonder people don’t put these things down!  I’ve been in the back of the theater  watching the ballet.  Sure the ballet is graceful, fluid, rhythmic, and pretty, but what is the big deal?  I would see others on their phones and think put it down for goodness sake!  Make your call and get off the phone!  When I was young,  we carried a quarter in our pocket and used a corner pay phone, standing connected to the phone by a wire umbilicus, because there were no portable cell phones.  No-one worried about bars in an area, unless  thy wanted a drink.

Now I am one of those people with the cell phone in her hand during dinner.  Don’t judge me.  I can make a note for my next blog, add something to my shopping list, look up that actor from that movie last night so the conversation can go on without further argument.  Now I am never far from my phone.  It has more processing power than the Apollo 11 space craft, and I am not tethered to anything, and it fits in my purse.

What you see depends upon where you sit, and I’ve moved from the back of the theater to the front row where I can see the muscles bulge with exertion and recoil with each landing, the sweat pour from the body and get flung in all directions, and perhaps I’ll even get  splashed by a few drops.  I have only begun to learn what my new smart phone can do.

My favorite features of my phone?  I can still make phone calls to my children, and snap pictures of my grandchildren and always have them ready to share, with anyone who has access to a cellphone or computer.  Technology has sure come a long way in 60 years.

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